
Just Content

Welcome to Just Content a blog that delivers readers and followers the content they expect without pop-up ads blocking the view or the need to click twenty times to get to the end the full story.

This blog is dedicated to those who have become disappointed by one too many click-bait weblinks that end up being more trouble than it's worth to read poorly written, advertisement distracting, regurgitated junk.

Readers will see relevant advertising and affiliate links, and there may be some content that specifically promotes a product but the reader will have complete control to ignore the advertising or make use of it. On this blog, the advertising is selected specifically for each published post and placed where readers can read the content without being slammed with pop-ups, or flashing things distracting from the actual content. In other words, the way we should expect reading content on the internet should be.

As a result of our decision to offer a blog designed to deliver content readers will not need to click a "next" button to get to the next sentence in an article. Each article is delivered on one page, any next buttons will be for related content. The way a good blog should be and what most readers would enjoy reading.

Right now, we are in the early stage of development with design, content, and advertising development and because we know our readers are tired of click-bait and wasting time on misleading links to unfulfilling incomplete stories we know there will likely be strong following once the site is built out. 

We invite well-written content contributions and will update topics and categories as we build the site. If you are interested in contributing be sure to check out our Writers page for updates. 

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